Barnesville Schools

Home of the Shamrocks

District OTES Information

OTES Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Local Decision Points for Districts Regarding the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System 2.0


eTPES is out and Ohioes is in.

  1. Will our District upload everything online or only upload the final summative? Only the final summative will be uploaded. 


Performance Components

  1. Will the District require completion of the self-assessment? No. 
  2. Are pre-conferences required? Evaluators will reach out to teachers prior to the observation either in person or via email or Google Docs. 
  3. Are observations announced or unannounced? Announced. 
  4. Walkthroughs – Unannounced. 
  5. Is feedback required on each walkthrough/informal observation? If yes, what will this look like? Yes, we can use the walkthrough checklist with a disclaimer that not all practices and strategies will be observed. 
  6. In addition to the conference following the Formal Holistic Observation and the Final Summative Conference, are other conferences required? No, only for someone up for renewal or improvement plan. 

    Evaluation Cycle 

    1. How many focus areas will teachers have? 1-2
    2. Will the District evaluate teachers having earned an Accomplished or Skilled rating less frequently? Yes
      1. For the one required observation, what type of observation will that be? Walkthrough
      2. For the one required conference, what type of conference will that be? 
  2. Final Summative Conference

    1. How will it be determined if progress is made on the PGP? During the final summative conference, the evaluator determines if progress has been made on the goal. 
    1. Will the district allow teachers rated Accomplished to select their evaluator and teachers rated Skilled to provide input on their evaluator? Building principals have evaluated staff within their respective buildings; Micah has evaluated SPED staff. 
    2. Will the District choose to not evaluate a teacher who has been board approved for retirement by December 1? Yes
    3. Will the District choose to not evaluate a teacher participating for the first time in the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA)? Yes
    4. How will the District determine if a teacher is on board-approved leave for more than 50% of the school year? Will that teacher be evaluated? No
    5. For the teacher on a limited or extended limited contract under consideration for non-renewal, the District is required to conduct at least three formal observations. How will this be communicated and implemented? This will be communicated in the Improvement plan.

    Professional Growth Plan (PGP)

    1. How many goals are teachers required to have on the PGP? 1-2
    2. What is the District timeline for the development of the PGP? Oct. 1
    3. How will it be determined that the PGP is aligned to any District and/or school improvement plans? One Needs Assessment goal will be provided to teachers at the beginning of each school year. 

    High-Quality Student Data (HQSD)

    1. How will the District make decisions around HQSD?
      1. How will it be determined if an instrument meets the criteria for HQSD? In TBTs, the team will use the ODE checklist. 
      2. How will the evaluator determine if the teacher meets the criteria for using the data from the instrument? This will be discussed at the Post-conference. 
      3. How will the District define “experts in the field?” TBT teams
  5. Improvement Plan: We will follow the ODE Improvement Plan Template.

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210 West Church Street, Barnesville, OH 43713   |   P: 740.425.3615   |   F: 740.425.5000

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